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Workers’ Compensation For Nurses And Other Health Care Providers

Nurses and other health care providers are routinely subjected to high-stress situations on the job. Workplace injuries can result in costly medical bills and can prevent you from returning to your job.

At The Law Offices of T. Andrew Miller, LLC, in Atlanta, we understand the challenges you may be facing. We are here to help you receive the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.

Types Of Covered Injuries

Nurses and hospital workers are particularly susceptible to back, shoulder, wrist and neck injuries, lacerations and facial injuries.

These injuries can be the result of slipping and falling on wet surfaces, strain from pulling wheelchairs and gurneys, or lifting and maneuvering patients. In some cases, abusive or unpredictable patients can cause injuries.

Fortunately, workers’ compensation covers all injuries and illnesses that a worker may sustain on the job.

Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation System

Under Georgia’s workers’ compensation law, an injured employee must prove that the accident took place on the job and is severe enough to prevent them from working. You do not have to prove fault.

Workers’ compensation is an exclusive but limited remedy. An injured worker cannot sue the employer for damages.

Georgia workers’ compensation entitles the injured worker weekly income benefits of up to two-thirds of their average weekly pay or a maximum weekly benefit set by law. In addition, workers’ comp must cover all reasonable and necessary medical treatment.

Discuss Your Workers’ Compensation Claim With Attorney T. Andrew Miller

At The Law Offices of T. Andrew Miller, LLC, in Atlanta, we are committed to pursuing the compensation you deserve. T. Andrew Miller is a diligent Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer who will advocate for your rights and guide you through the process.

For a free consultation, call The Law Offices of T. Andrew Miller, LLC, in Atlanta at 678-894-7868, or contact us through our website.